Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts (KACD)
Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts (KACD)

The Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts is a private group made up of the governing bodies of Kentucky's 121 Conservation District Board of Supervisors, or 847 Supervisors. It is also composed of some 30 Watershed Conservancy District Board of Directors, or between 150 and 200 Directors. Watershed Conservancy Districts are equal in status with Conservation Districts and have the same voting rights in the state association with is one vote per district at the annual meeting's business session.
The governing body of the State Association is the Board of Directors made up of the President, immediate past President of the Association, Vice President, treasurer/secretary and one Director from each of the 9 Soil and Water Conservation Commission Areas of the State. In addition, each Area has an alternative who serves in the absence of the Director.
KACDs only source of income is through the collection of dues from each Conservation District, sponsorships and grants.
The purpose of the Association is to assist local Conservation Districts with developing and implementing conservation programs. The Association sponsors and participates in a number of statewide projects and activities.
Among them are:
- The Association represents districts on a state level
- It works with the General Assembly on conservation legislation
- The Association sponsors the annual soil stewardship week.
- It has worked for many years in getting environmental education incorporated into the schools in Kentucky
- Along with, KY Farm Bureau, it sponsors the annual essay and poster contests
- It co-sponsors FFA and 4-H soil judging
- It encourages local districts to continually broaden their programs to provide more services for more people
- It acts as a liaison between the local Conservation Districts and the National Association of Conservation Districts that represents you on a national level.
- It sends representatives to the national convention and other meetings, not only to let our views and programs be known, but also to learn what other states and Conservation Districts are thinking and doing.
- Sponsors Agriculture Legislative Reception to inform legislators of conservation issues and concerns.
KACD Also sponsors the annual state meeting for supervisors, staff and partner agencies. The goal is to provide informative programs, share ideas, success stories, honor awards and suggestions during the annual meeting that will further conservation districts goals locally and recognize districts and individuals on their conservation efforts.