Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts
Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts
The KACD is a private, grass-roots organization made up of the governing bodies of Kentucky's 121 Conservation District Board of Supervisors, or 847 Supervisors. It is also composed of some 30 Watershed Conservancy Districts Board of Directors or between 150 and 200 Directors.
The governing body of the State Association is the Board of Directors made up of the President, immediate past President of the Association, and one Director from each of the 9 Soil and Water Conservation Commission Areas of the state. In addition, each Area has an alternate who serves in the absence of the Director.

The mission of the Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts shall be to exchange information relating to the administration and operation of conservation districts and watershed conservancy districts; to affect cooperation between districts and agencies and organizations concerned with any and all phases of soil and water conservation; to promote the welfare of conservation districts and watershed conservancy districts and the people therein; and to maintain strong and active membership in both this Association and the National Association of Conservation Districts.
Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts
PO Box 4027
Frankfort, KY 40604-4027
(502) 682-1770
Crystal Renfro, Executive Director