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Board Recruitment
Board Recruitment
Why recruit?
- Effective conservation districts have outstanding and qualified board members.
- A diverse district board will be better able to gain community support for local conservation efforts.
- A board’s diversity should reflect the community.
Recruiting Considerations
- Think of the conservation district as you would your own business. When you are hiring, you are looking for the most qualified individual.
- Gain community support by including others on the board. They will learn more about conservation and agriculture and carry the message to others in the community.
- Communities change. A fresh set of eyes can bring new ideas to the board and enrich your district program. It can improve delivery of conservation programs.
Elements of Effective Recruitment
Conservation Values
- An important question:
- “What would you want to accomplish as a conservation district board member?”
- People are motivated in different ways:
- Political, economic, business, social, community service, accomplishments, heritage, other
- Once known –recruitment is matching the personal motivation with opportunities to accomplish
- Good district board members have a strong conservation ethic, skills and knowledge in conservation, as well as management skills and leadership abilities. Recruitment of potential board members begins with the identification of the qualities desired.
- Board members should be selected based on the identified qualities and not on the criteria of “who’s available that we know.”
- Potential board members need to know
- What the district is and does
- The District:
- Function
- Mission and vision statements
- Your district’s primary goals and objectives
- Legal authority
- Major issues
- Major programs and activities
- Funding sources
- Expectations of district board members
- Benefits of being a district board member
District Needs
Analyzing the needs of your district
- Inventory district programs & activities
- Identify strengths, weaknesses, goals of district
- Review the District’s Strategic and Annual Plans
- Identify the current talents of board members
- Recruit for needed talents
- Invite local organizations to recommend candidates with needed talents, experience, knowledge
Three things all board members need:
- To know role and responsibilities
- To be kept informed
- To have a meaningful contribution
No one wants to attend a meeting once a month and feel like it’s a waste of time. Everyone is involved because they feel like they are accomplishing something.
- Full participation in committees
- Responsible for some part of district program
- Match assignments to personal interests
- Instill a feeling of belonging and that they are integral to the District
- Ask for their opinions and input on issues
- Keep informed of programs, activities, issues
- Recognize successful governance
The important question
- “What would you want to accomplish as a conservation district board member?”
- Once known –recruitment is matching the personal motivation with opportunities to accomplish.
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