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Public Relations
Public Relations
Continuous program to help people understand what a Conservation District is, what it does and why it is important.
Good Public Relations Will:
Good Public Relations Will:
- Ensure that localities and citizens are aware of the availability of District programs
- Build rapport with other groups
- Increase inter-agency relations
- Improve the quality of people who serve a District as Supervisors
- Increase the amount of funding Districts receive

- Supervisors must be engaged with the public – Don’t sell yourself or your District short as a local resource!
- Supervisors must develop strong relationships with local officials.
- Your elected position is as important.
- You are the voice for Natural Resource Issues
- Sending Staff is rarely as effective.
Improve your Public Relations by…
Stay Connected:
Improve your Public Relations by…
Stay Connected:
- Personal Contacts
- Community Meetings
- Newsletters
- Conservation Directories
- Radio and Newspaper Spots
- Videos
- Field Days and Demonstrations
- Presentations
- Personal Invitations to District Functions and Meetings
- Annual Meetings
- Awards Banquets
- Legislative Breakfasts
- Workshops on Topics of Interest
- Websites

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